Altar Linen Ministry
The men and women who volunteer for this ministry wash and iron the linens: purificators & corporals) that are used during the Sunday & Weekday Masses. The laundering and care of the altar linens has been an essential ministry from the founding of the parish.
There are printed instructions as well as diagrams that clearly describe how to properly launder the used Purificators & Corporals, and how to properly iron them. If any minister wishes, Joseph, the coordinator will gladly do an in-person tutorial.
Volunteers are assigned according to their availability. The time required to complete the task is determined by the individual volunteer- .i.e. when they want to launder and iron the linens and return them to the sacristy in a timely manner.
Christmas, Holy Week and the summer when all four churches are open are the especially busy times when multiple volunteers are appreciated.
Get Involved
To be part of this ministry, please contact us below:
or Call the Music and Liturgy Office at: 609-494-8813 ext. 159