Women’s Cornerstone

What is Cornerstone?

Do you ever wish you could stop the world for a day, catch your breath and have a chance to reflect on what’s really important in your life?

Cornerstone is designed to do just thatCornerstone is a parish-sponsored spiritual experience that brings women 18+ together to deepen their faith, grow in knowledge and love of God, and connect with a supportive, spiritual community of women.  Cornerstone is led by women, for women.

During your time at Cornerstone, you will have the opportunity to step out of the daily routine of life and renew your relationship with God in an atmosphere that lends itself to quiet reflection and contemplation in a welcoming, relaxed setting.

Saint Francis of Assisi Parish

4700 Long Beach Blvd.
Long Beach Twp., NJ  08008-3926

Philosophy of Cornerstone

Through Baptism we are united with God in a familial relationship.  Through faith we believe that we share in the life of God; we are brothers and sisters with Christ; in community we form the people of God and thus, we are church.  We are gifted with God’s love and life and called to share in the mission of Jesus Christ, that is, spread the Good News.  Christ, by his life, death, and resurrection, gave us a way to journey toward God.  Thus, united by the grace of God, and in a relationship with Jesus Christ and each other, we, as community, both support and serve one another … we are called to ministry.

The Cornerstone weekend provides a concentrated atmosphere for members of the community to revitalize their relationship with God.  It is an invitation to engage in quiet reflective time; to become more actively involved in one’s spiritual development, and a time to meet new people which will enhance the building of community.

The Cornerstone ministry is a time and effort commitment by the weekend participants to keep alive this Christian renewal program by preparing the next Cornerstone weekend.  Each person on the team has a specific role, but there is only one goal:  to grow personally in the knowledge and love of God, and help others to know and love God.  This is a response to our Baptismal call.

 The team consists of members of our faith community.  Together, there is a mutual growth in the knowledge of one’s giftedness.  Whatever one’s gifts, there is the responsibility to use these special blessings and abilities joyfully for others.  In sharing, we acknowledge our gifts as coming from God, not to be buried, but to be developed and multiplied.

Together, we are companions on the journey…


October 25/26, 2002                            Jesus Lights the Way

October 24/25, 2003                            “Sea” the Light; Be the Light

October 22/23, 2004                            Share the Light

November 11/12, 2005                        Remember and Rejoice

October 27/28, 2006                            Come to the Water

November 2/3, 2007                            Reflect by the Sea

October 10/11, 2008                            Oceans of Blessings

October 23/24, 2009                            Peace by the Sea

October 22/23, 2010                             Come Celebrate the Spirit

October 21/22, 2011                             Walk in the Light of Jesus

2012                                                          HURRICANE SANDY

November ‘1/2, 2013                            We Are Called Through Mary

November 14/15, 2014                        Hope

November 13/14, 2015                        There Are Angels Among Us

November 4/5, 2016                             Into the Heart of Mercy

November’3/4, 2017                             The Gift of Peace

November 9/10, 2018                            We Are the Clay, You Are the Potter

October 18/19, 2019                              Refresh My Soul, O Lord

2020                                                           COVID

2021                                                            COVID

October 21/22, 2022                               Rejoice!

October 20/21, 2023                              Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart

October 18/19, 2024                             One in the Spirit

History of Women’s Cornerstone Retreats

Women’s Cornerstone Overview

Cornerstone is a parish-sponsored spiritual experience that brings women 18+ together to deepen their faith, grow in knowledge and love of God, and connect with a supportive, spiritual community of women.  Cornerstone is led by women for women.  Women’s Cornerstone has been held each year since 2002  it is currently held at Maris Stella Retreat House in Harvey Cedars.

Who should attend?

Cornerstone isn’t for one type of woman. It is for working and non-working women, mothers and non-mothers, married, single and divorced women and women of all ages 18+. It is for women who attend Mass regularly, as well as for those who have been away  and want to reconnect. It is for anyone looking for a deeper connection to God, self and other women within our church community. There is a place in Cornerstone for everyone.

After the initial weekend, each participant is invited and encouraged to return to share their gifts and  join the Cornerstone team to plan and present future Cornerstone weekends for new women.

There are other activities throughout the year: 

Rosary Project – from November to March,  Women’s Cornerstone members collect used rosaries to be cleaned and sanitized, re-packaged and donated to hospitals, nursing homes and to the poor/homeless of the St. Francis Inn.

Cornerstone Mass – There is a yearly Mass on a Saturday morning each June, followed by breakfast hosted for both the Women’s and Men’s Cornerstone groups

Sunrise Prayer – Each July Cornerstone sisters meet on the beach for sunrise prayer, followed by breakfast together.

Men’s Cornerstone Christmas –  Women’s Cornerstone is invited to attend the Men’s Christmas party.


All women 18+ are invited to the Cornerstone weekend experience.  Simply complete the form on the brochure and mail in to the Parish.  Brochures are located at the doors of the Churches and in the Center lobby, as well as on our page on the Parish website. 

After their initial weekend retreat, all are invited and encouraged to share their gifts and join the Women’s Cornerstone Team.



Contact either of the 2024 Women’s Team Co-Directors:

  Lauren Finelli lgf_finelli@hotmail.com 609-332-8366 or

 Marion Pierri mdp93@comcast.net 609-994-7085