Daily Reflection: Monday, February 21

Monday, February 21, 2022 – 7th Week in Ordinary Time


 The first reading from the Letter of St. James is about the different types of wisdom. Worldly wisdom focuses on oneself and one’s ambitions. Heavenly wisdom focuses on others. We can discern a person who has wisdom from above by one’s actions.  One who shows gentleness, mercy, and has good fruits (which are acts of kindness), shows that person has wisdom from above. Today’s psalm is from Psalm 19, the first verse states, “The decree of the Lord is trustworthy, giving wisdom to the simple.” This tells us anyone can gain this gift of heavenly wisdom. Today pray for the gift of wisdom.


Scott F. Brookbank, OFM.


Daily Reflection: Tuesday, February 22


Daily Reflection: Saturday, February 19