Daily Reflection: Friday, September 17

Friday, September 17

Today on our Franciscan calendar we celebrate the Stigmata of St. Francis. On this day we commemorate that St. Francis received in his body the five sacred wounds of our Lord. St. Francis used to go to a mountain named La Verna to pray. On one occasion he prayed: “O Lord Jesus Christ, I entreat you to give me two graces before I die: first that in my lifetime I may feel in body and soul as far as possible the pain you endured, dear Lord, in the hour of your bitter suffering; and second, that I may feel in my heart as far as possible that excess of love by which you, O Son of God, were inflamed to undertake so cruel a suffering for sinners.” After this “A man bearing the likeness of a crucified Seraph” appeared and the marks of the crucified began to appear on Francis’ body. St. Francis, pray for us.

Fr. Andrew


Daily Reflection: Saturday, September 18


Daily Reflection: Thursday, September 16