Lector Ministry
Lectors serve in the critically important ministry of proclaiming the Word of God during the Liturgy of the Word portion of the Mass. The Word of God is not merely read during the liturgy. It is an act of Proclamation and is an essential part of our communal worship.
The women and men who serve as lectors prepare the reading in advance and practice their delivery to be sure that they are proclaiming the Word with clarity and conviction in a way that is properly paced and at an appropriate volume so that the congregation can hear and absorb what is being said. When the lector comes to a full understanding of the scripture passage to be read in the preparation, his/her proclamation at the Mass will be best understood by all.
Those who participate in this ministry are asked a few times each year to complete a schedule indicating their availability to serve. The lector coordinators develop the assignments accordingly and distribute the completed schedules for all four churches by e-mail and hard copies available in the designated box by the sacristy in the Brant Beach Church. Lectors are responsible for securing their own substitutes when they cannot keep the assignment posted on the schedule.
Training is provided for new lectors and there is an annual meeting for all for spiritual enrichment and discussion held at the Brant Beach Church.
Lector Ministry workshop will be offered once or twice a year. These are welcome opportunities to work on lector skills and have questions answered and advice freely given.
At the beginning of the liturgical year, each lector receives a Workbook for Lectors, Gospel Readers, and Proclaimers of the Word that includes all readings and is key to thorough preparation for each assignment.
Get Involved
To be part of this ministry, please contact us below:
or Call the Music and Liturgy Office at: 609-494-8813 ext. 159