Third Sunday of Advent

Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM,

Letter from the Pastor
Third Sunday of Advent
December 12, 2021 

The New Normal and Jesus Christ, Part 2

Last weekend’s message was a reminder that we are not alone.  Our Christian experience tells us that God is with us.  That is the Christmas message.  If we didn’t believe that I’m not sure what all these jingle bells and St. Nicholas, now posing as Santa Claus, is all about. But, as Ronald Rolheiser said in his book, The Holy Longing, sometimes we “need someone who has some skin!”  Last weekend’s letter also included the hope that you know that our parish community is here for you.  Actually, better said, that we are there for each other.

First and foremost, we are a community that gathers in prayer to offer thanks [εὐχαριστία (eucharistia), meaning thanksgiving] to God for all of the gifts that we have.  As we offer thanks to God we also offer our prayers of praise to express our love of God, the source of all love.  We pray for one another, for our families, friends, and for ourselves, or we pray for forgiveness and reconciliation, and we pray for peace. 

When we gather to celebrate Eucharist, the "the source and summit of the Christian life.” [Lumen Gentium, 11] we gather to celebrate who God is for us and who we are for one another.  “The other sacraments, as well as with every ministry of the Church and every work of the apostolate, are tied together with the Eucharist and are directed toward it. The Most Blessed Eucharist contains the entire spiritual (blessing) of the Church, that is, Christ himself, our Pasch and Living Bread, by the action of the Holy Spirit through his very flesh vital and vitalizing, giving life to (men and women) who are thus invited and encouraged to offer themselves, their labors and all created things, together with him.” [Presbyterorum Ordinis, 5]

One aspect of this parish that I have always found impressive is that our celebration of Eucharist as not just something that happens on Sundays, or at the 9 AM daily Mass, but it is something that happens all the time.  Years ago, the friars, sisters, and the parishioners of this parish set a strong foundation of celebrating Eucharist and then offering it to our community and to the community at large.  What we do flows from who we are.  We are a Eucharistic people who then goes out to be Eucharist for others.

In addition to the celebration of all the Sacraments, the faith formation of our children and of our adults, and our music program that enlivens our celebrations, we also have other opportunities for you to explore your faith.

·      Women’s Cornerstone and a Men’s Cornerstone for those looking for a retreat that offers a deeper dive into your spiritual life

·      Men’s Spirituality group, they meet in the center at 10 AM every 3rd Saturday of the month

·      RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults - for those adults who would like to become Catholic

·      The Book Club – exploring our faith through contemporary literature

·      Care Ministry -  offers help to grieving families as they plan the funeral Mass for their loved one

·      Survivors of Suicide – seeking comfort, wisdom, and solace with others who know that very unique pain

·      Spiritual Direction – for those seeking a one-on-one mentoring in your spiritual life.

Of course, visiting the sick is open to all peoples as is an opportunity to speak with one of the friars, Sr. Pat, or anyone on our Pastoral Staff.  Just call the Parish Office so we can schedule a time to meet.

And that is just the parish!

I would invite you to take a look at the St. Francis Community Center Fall & Winter Activities Schedule.  If you like to play cards, pickle ball, basketball, or prefer to swim, there is something going on for you.  Our Children’s Services program helps working parents and our Senior Services seeks to assist us in our older years.  One can find support in our Counseling Center or a therapy group, some of which help the survivors of sexual abuse or those who are grieving to loss of a loved one.

If you find that you are alone, and need someone with some skin, please review our bulletin, the parish and the center websites, and the St. Francis Center’s schedule to see if we can be with you in another way.


Fr. Francis J. Di Spigno, OFM



Fourth Sunday of Advent


Christmas 2021 Giving Fund