Respect Life

Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM,

Letter from the Pastor
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 23, 2022


Respect Life

One of the aspects of St. Francis Parish that is so powerful to me is that I truly get the sense that we are a welcoming community.  It is always difficult to enter into a new community, be it a parish, a neighborhood, or a new school.  The transition into someplace new can be very difficult.  It is my experience, biased as it is, that we are a welcoming community. 

I believe that that is based on the fact that we respect everyone and accept people for who they are, without preconceived notions, judgments, or condemnation.  As Franciscans we know we are all sinners (so how can we judge?) but we also know that “nothing can separate us from the love of God that comes to us through Christ Jesus.” [Romans 8:39] We are redeemed. 

As we respect everyone, it does call to mind that this weekend marks the 49th Anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision. Since day one that has been a cause of division in our society, and in all likelihood, in our community as well.  There are many reasons for this passionate divide and I think we all know where we stand.  It is my hope that our position is solidly based on respect for all life: respect for the unborn, respect for the mother, and respect for the father.  All life is sacred. 

Below is the Statement by the Catholic Bishops of New Jersey on the new law, the Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act, approved by the state Senate on January 10, 2022.  I believe their response is balanced and does in fact respect all life.  Echoing the bishops, we too can offer a wide network of resources and support to those struggling to make this very difficult decision and seek an alternative to abortion.  If you find yourself in this very difficult situation, please call the parish office so we can help you.

Let us continue to pray that all of our actions, all of our laws, and all that we are, are always based on this paramount respect for life that comes to us from God. 


Fr. Francis J. Di Spigno, OFM


Statement of the Catholic Bishops of New Jersey on the Passage of the Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act into Law

The Catholic Bishops of New Jersey join to express our profound disappointment and deep concern about the passage of S49/A6260 - - the Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act, which codifies into state law an individual’s right to an abortion, including late-term abortions. This law departs from the fundamental Catholic teaching that all life is sacred from conception to natural death. Even more distressing is that the legal and ethical calculus that underlies this new legislation absolutely and forthrightly extinguishes the human and moral identity of the unborn child. Perhaps the legislators who rushed through this Act in the waning moments of their terms did not want citizens to understand fully its inhuman and lethal consequences.

We have failed as a society when a response to any pregnancy is fear rather than joy. Sadly, too often this fear is born out of the mother’s uncertainty she will not be able to provide for herself and her child the resources necessary to live a flourishing life. We must do better. Therefore, we urge all Catholics and people of good will to actively participate in breaking down the economic, employment, social, racial, and emotional barriers that lead mothers into thinking that abortion is a better option than life.

For our part, the Catholic Church is committed to broadening and increasing awareness about the abundant resources and programs we offer that include life-affirming health and prenatal care, emotional support, assistance in bearing and raising her child, and basic needs such as housing, food, and clothing to pregnant mothers seeking or considering alternatives to abortion.


Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R. Archbishop, Archdiocese of Newark

Most Reverend David M. O’Connell, C.M. Bishop, Diocese of Trenton

Most Reverend Dennis J. Sullivan Bishop, Diocese of Camden

Most Reverend Kevin J. Sweeney Bishop, Diocese of Paterson

Most Reverend James F. Checchio Bishop, Diocese of Metuchen

Most Reverend Kurt Burnette Bishop, Eparchy of Passaic

Most Reverend Yousif Habash Bishop of Our Lady of Deliverance of Syriac Catholic Diocese


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