Is a Mr. or Mrs. Fix-It Out There and Thank You!

Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM,

Letter from the Pastor
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 13, 2022

I ask you to please welcome Mr. John McCrone to our parish this weekend.  Representing Catholic Charities’ Fix-It Program, John will speak briefly at all the Masses this weekend seeking volunteers as well as advertise this great service offered to the senior community in our area.  Rich Hall, one of our long time parishioners and volunteers [you have probably seen him weeding our gardens along the way] will be joining John in the front foyer of the church distributing information as well as taking names of anyone who would like to volunteer their time and skill to help a neighbor.  They will also take names of those who might need some assistance around the house.

The Fix It Program assists residents of Ocean County who are 60 years of age or older by performing minor home repairs.  This totally volunteer based program provides all services FREE of charge, although the residents do have to pay for materials.  If the cost of the materials is a hardship for anyone, let us know.  We may be able to help with that too.

If you are handy around the house, this might just be your way to preach the gospel.  It’s not washing someone’s feet but I do think Jesus would agree that it’s pretty darn close.

If you find yourself in need of some home repairs, give them a call.  If you know of someone else who might need some help – Catholic or not – perhaps you might want to tell them of this great service.

Welcome, and thank you, John and Rich!

My dad was a great handy-man and would be right there signing up to help.  He also taught us that “nothing is for nothing.”  The truth of the matter is, yes, this Fix-It service is for free for those who need it but the money does have to come from somewhere. 

Every week the bulletin posts the updated totals for the diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal.  On January 31st the 2021 appeal ended and raised just over $6 million dollars.  That is a great accomplishment.  Our parish’s annual goal was $100,000.  Although we did not reach that goal, your generosity pledged $69,995.00 to the Diocese of Trenton, with all but $368.58 already received by the diocese.  With those funds the diocese is able to help such programs as Catholic Charities, Diocesan Parish Counseling Services, Parish Emergency Assistance Program, Diocesan Social Service Workshops, Home Health Nursing Program and Emergency Assistance. 

Quite frankly, the appeal also helps to actually run the diocese.  Currently there are 10 seminarians, 209 priests and 64 religious priests, [we are 6 of them!], 188 deacons [including our Deacon Bob!] and countless numbers of women religious [Sr. Pat is in that group!] who serve in our diocese.  As you would imagine, there are a lot of administrative needs to keep the diocese going.  Where else can they turn but to the faithful?  Our parish does receive 15% of what was donated from our parish [50% of the donations over the goal] so it does help us as well. 

Next weekend is the kick off for the 2022 Annual Catholic Appeal.  The theme of this year’s appeal is “What does love have to do with it… Everything!”  For more information, as well as Bp. O’Connell’s letter and video introduction, you can visit or our parish website,  The parish goal remains at $100,000 and the diocesan goal is once again $6.5 million.

It seems like we are always “passing the basket,” and we are.  Next week I will share with you the results of our 2021 Christmas Giving Fund.  Once again, you have been and continue to be incredibly generous.  Everyone realizes, including Bp. O’Connell, that we can only do what we can do with what we have.  For that, I am grateful to God for you, your faithfulness, and your incredibly generous spirit.

Thank you.


Fr. Francis J. Di Spigno, OFM



Happy Sunday Good People!


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