Summer, already? Not quite yet!

Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM,

Letter from the Pastor
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 27, 2022

The other day in the friary Fr. Kevin said, “Isn’t it great, it’s still light outside at ten to 6!”  To which Fr. Steve said, “Yes, but that only means the traffic lights will be turned on soon.”  Although we are at the end of February, Steven is right.  Those lights will be turned on in just a few months.  In most parishes, the summer is the time to slow down while the “academic year,” September through May, is their busy time.  One might think that because our summers are out of the park busy, crazy, and wonderful, the “academic year” would be our slow time.  Relatively speaking it is but St. Francis Parish turns into a “normal” parish during the months of September – May and we are just as busy as all those other parishes.  Like the seasons in Florida, hot and hotter, the tempo of our parish is busy and busier.  But honestly, that is one of the things I like about our parish.  There is always something going on.

The Men’s Cornerstone Retreat will be from March 11 – 12.  The sign-up sheets are in the foyer of the church.  I have heard so much about this retreat, and how powerful it is, I decided to go.  If you have any inklings of participating, perhaps that’s God’s way of saying, “Do it!”  For the women of our parish, yours will be in the Fall.

For those looking for more of a one on one support in your spiritual journey, our parish has four wonderful spiritual directors.  They have all been trained in the art of spiritual direction and are ready to welcome you to a conversation to talk about your own spiritual journey.  You will find the contact information in this bulletin.

When going through the bulletin you will find that there are many different opportunities in how can engage your spiritual life, be it through the Book Club, Men’s Spirituality Group, Scripture Study, Survivors of Suicide, or the Secular Franciscan Community, based here in our Parish.

There are two upcoming events that I would like to bring to your attention.  The first is the Spiritual Conversations that will be taking place during the month of March.  A few weeks ago I shared with you that Pope Francis hopes to hear from every baptized Catholic in preparation for the Synod in 2023.  Jen and Anthony Mauro, the co-chairs of the Synod 2023 Steering Committee, also have a letter to the parish in this week’s bulletin.  They explain a bit about the process as well as the times when you can participate in one of these conversation.  I do hope that you can add your voice to not only this parish-wide listening session, but this worldwide listening session.

The other exciting news that I would like to share with you is that this year St. Francis Center is celebrating 50 years, 1972 – 2022!  I am sure that there are many people who remember when it was built.  They would be the same people who remember Fr. Andrew with long hair and mutton-chops.  [Remember, it was the 70’s] He probably wore bell-bottoms under his habit but we don’t have any pictures to prove it!  If you do have any pictures of Andrew and or the parish and center from years ago and would like to share them us, I would love to see them.  You can scan them and send them to me or drop them off at the parish center. 

To mark this anniversary, we do have a number of events planned.  We will be hosting two 50th Anniversary Open Houses: May 1st from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM; and July 10th also from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM.  We welcome you to come and explore the Center and learn about all the services that we offer.  You may be surprised at all that goes on in the building behind the church!  Swimming under the Stars on July 13 from 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM.  Last year was the first year we held this event and it was a great success.  It’s a wonderful family event and the kids can even watch a movie as they swim.  We will sponsor a Game Day Grab Raffle [the winner will be picked at the May 1st Open House] and a 50th Anniversary Dinner Dance on Saturday, August 27th.  You can find more details on all of the Anniversary events in the Center’s Spring Events pamphlets.

So yes, the traffic lights will be turned on soon and the summer will be here before we know it, but we have plenty of things going on now!


Fr. Francis J. Di Spigno, OFM



Time to Rearrange the Furniture


Happy Sunday Good People!