Easter Flower Fund 2022

“Some women…were at the tomb early in the morning and did not find his body; they came back and reported that they had indeed seen a vision of angels who announced that he was alive.”                                     

-   Luke 24:13-35

Easter Flowers and Decorations Memorial Fund


We are having our annual Easter Flower Memorial Fund Drive which allows us to decorate

 the Brant Beach, Beach Haven and Surf City churches from Palm Sunday through the Holy Season of Easter.

The Art & Environment Team would like to thank you for your continued generosity and support

 which allows us to prepare the worship area in a manner that reflects our great joy and gratitude

as we affirm our belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life.


You may choose to memorialize or honor a loved-one, family member, friend or special occasion 

by making a donation toward the Easter flowers, decorations or Art & Environment.

The names of those memorialized or honored along with the donor names will be

published in an Easter Flower booklet and in our online church bulletin for the Easter season.


Donations for Easter Flowers & Plants

May Be Made In Any Amount.

Donations toward the purchase of other

specific items to be memorialized:

$100    Cherry Blossoms and large Easter Wreaths for

the church sanctuary.

$75    Flowers for Sanctuary Urns for Easter & Holy Thursday

$50 Peace Lilies and Hydrangea     

$35   Ferns, & Candle Rings

To make a donation, please use the Easter Flower envelopes that were mailed to your home.

Additional envelopes are available at the doors of the church or you may use a plain envelope with the following information:

PLEASE PRINT CLEARY your name, the name of the person being memorialized or honored, and a CONTACT PHONE NUMBER

The envelope can be placed in the collection basket, mailed, or dropped off at the Center by April 11. 2022. Memorials not received for the first publishing of names will be published in a subsequent online Church Bulletin during the Easter Season.

Thank you for your support and generosity!

Questions? Please call JoAnne Reeder at the center - 609-494-8861 X164






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