Festival of the Sea


June 2021

Greetings and many blessings to you.

One of the lines from the St. Francis’ Peace Prayer is, “Lord make me an instrument of your peace, where there is darkness, light.”

These last fourteen months have been dark and difficult. We know this to be true because we, at St Francis, made every effort to reach out to the community. We witnessed firsthand the need for spiritual consolation and for the first time in decades, kept three churches open for mass and for private prayer. We did our best to minister to anyone who came to us in need. Our Community Center became a place of refuge and hope for the recently unemployed, food insecure, and those with counseling needs.

That said, we need your support. This year, we are asking you to be a sponsor for The Festival of the Sea.  We believe that the Festival of the Sea is one of the island’s favorite summer events. This year, however, we are reinventing our marketing and promotional activity. (Don’t you just love the new logo?) We want to have a party and celebrate the community that is LBI; this community which has come through many dark times, has a history of coming together to make the light is strong and true.

Please see the opportunities below

Ferris Wheel Sponsorship: $1,000- Recognition at our event and prior to, unlimited rides for 4, complimentary food/beverage on night of your choice. 

The Carousel Sponsorship: $500.00- Recognition at event and prior to; unlimited rides for 2  

The Popcorn Sponsorship: $250.00- Recognition at our event and prior to

The Cotton Candy Sponsorship: $100.00- Recognition at our event

We would like to thank Berkshire Hathaway for graciously agreeing to be the Presenting Festival Sponsor.

We hope you can be a part of the celebration. Thank you for your generosity and support.

Fr. Francis Di Spigno                                                             Barbara Truncellito
Pastor                                                                                      Director Parish Development




Progressive 50/50 raffle


2021 Car Raffle