Fr. Kevin Daly’s Weekly Reflection

Fr. Kevin Daly, OFM, Pastoral Associate

I could not help but think about February 2nd, Groundhog day, the Movie. Bill Murray is stuck in Groundhog day over and over. That’s what it seems like to me as the ill effects of Covid continue in my life. But there is hope around the corner. We seem to be half way to Spring time and of course Easter. That always represents the increase in the sun shining more during the day which helps my moral. I feel confident that we may be experiencing some days of snow but even there it seems the snow comes and then melts in a few days.

We are celebrating the 5th Sunday in Ordinary time. Later this week, we celebrate Our Lady of Lourdes feast day. As many people are aware, the Blessed Mother appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes France on February 11, 1858. The message still seems to be a good intention even today: pray for the conversion of the world. When asked what her name was the Blessed Mother has been reported as saying Immaculate Conception. The evidence of dramatic healing was happened in many generations.

I am told that Pope John Paul II, made the observance of World Day of the Sick to bring attention to those who are sick but also the care givers. It was his suggestion to pray for that worthy intention. I did find it very interesting that even the UN also honors February 11th as World Day of the Sick.

Since I am in pretty good health, I would suggest this week we may show our gratitude by helping and comforting someone who is need of cheering up. How about a visit, a phone call, a nice card and note (thinking of you) to someone you know who is suffering from any kind of illness: physical, emotional or spiritual.

Next Weekend is Super Bowl Sunday, I must confess I was unaware of one major social problem related to this: A major Human trafficking event. It was one of my friends who enlightened me on this topic. One person interviewed called it a magnet for trafficking before and after the Super Bowl, the biggest in the world! Second to that I am told that there is an increase in the number of domestic violence cases reported as well. This was brought to my attention and I thought I would bring this to the attention of our parish. For those who care for more information I would suggest the New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficing.

-Fr. Kevin Daly, OFM, Pastoral Associate


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