Reflection on the Season of Creation by Marie Logue

The part of the creation story in Genesis that stays with me long after the reading of it at the Easter Vigil is the part where right after God creates man and woman, He gives them “dominion” over all that He has created: the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and “all the living things that move on the earth.” And that includes “every seed-bearing plant all over the earth and every tree.” What a gift! What a responsibility. And I am filled with gratitude and humbled by the enormity of the task. Our God entrusted all His creation to our care. I try to do what I can: put solar panels on our roof, pick up trash along the bayfront while I walk our dog, plant dune grass when the call for volunteers goes out. Everything counts. Everything is a prayer of thanksgiving.


Important Notice: Survivors of Suicide Meeting Canceled for September


Parish 2025 Mass Book opens September 16