Mass of Remembrance - Nov. 2 @ 7:00 PM

Our parish will gather together for a special liturgy to remember friends and family of parishioners who have died from October 1st, 2022 through September 30th, 2023.

The names of those family members who have died in this time period and were buried from St. Francis Parish are already included in The Book of Remembrance and their names will be read during the Prayer of the Faithful.

If you have lost a loved one in the last year who was not buried from our parish, we invite you to come and celebrate with us. You may add the name of the deceased to our Prayer of the Faithful by arriving 30 minutes before Mass and give the name of your loved one to the lectors who will be available in the front of the church by the sanctuary.

We invite you to bring a framed photograph of your loved one to this Mass. During the Prayer of the Faithful the names of those who died this past year will be read aloud. When you hear the name we ask that you come forward and place the photo in our “Remembrance Shrine.” The photographs will remain in church during the month of November.

Please put a name, address, and phone number on the back of the frame. You may pick up your photo in the sacristy beginning November 25th.

If you are not able to attend this Mass you may bring a photo to the parish office and we will place it in the “Remembrance Shrine.”


Attention Lectors


Letters from the Jewish Community Center of LBI.