Novena to St. Clare of Assisi-Day Two: Called to Distinguish


Novena to St. Clare of Assisi


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Day Two: Called to Distinguish


Clare writes to St. Agnes of Prague: I strongly believe that you have recognized that the Kingdom of Heaven is promised and given only to the Lord’s poor. He who love an earthly thing loses the fruit of love. One cannot serve both God and Mammon; either one loves the one and hates the other, or one serves the one and condemns the other.




We who are surrounded by advertising all day long, often no longer recognize out own needs but think we need what we are told we need. Many of things we claim we need simply act as dead  weight in our daily lives, What we really need is a reliable yardstick to distinguish between the essential and the superfluous. Clare advises us not to depend on someone else’s measure, but rather to search for the path of life within us. She finds it God and in her love for Him.

3 Our Fathers

Novena Prayer: 

St. Clare, you are our Sister on her way to Christ. We shall be like pilgrims and foreigners in this world, trustfully receiving all we need to live for the Lord. In this trust I ask you to grant me the request that is so dear to my heart:… Implore our Lord Christ in his mercy to be with us always, just as we will always be with him now and for ever. Amen.


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Novena to St. Clare of Assisi-Day One: Called to Life