Revised Covid Protocols

Lifting of Mask & Social Distancing


May 29, 2021

Dear Parishioners,

As you may know, Gov. Murphy has lifted the requirement to wear masks and to be socially distant for those who have been fully vaccinated as of May 28, 2021.  Bishop O’Connell has also sent new directives on how to proceed with our liturgical life at this time.

Both the bishop and governor, when issuing these new directives, recognize that the Covid pandemic is still active and among us.  Despite the lifting of restrictions, I do believe that after 14 months of living with fear, masks, and Purell, as well as knowing that the pandemic continues, it will take some time for us to all feel comfortable in our “new normal” and to know that we are safe. 

The wearing of masks is still an option even for those who are fully vaccinated.  Those who are unvaccinated are encouraged to wear masks for your own protection and the protection of those gathered in our churches. 

Bishop O’Connell also informed us that “the Bishops of New Jersey have ended the dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation effective June 5-6, 2021, the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. The faithful are to return to the practice of participating at weekly celebration of Mass in-church. As is always the case, the obligation does not apply to the sick, those with underlying health conditions, and those who remain fearful of COVID-19 transmission.”

At St. Francis will be making some changes immediately and integrating others over the next few weeks.

Let us continue to pray for an end to this pandemic and for all those who have died from Covid-19, and for their families who continue to mourn. 

We also offer our prayer of gratitude for the scientists, health care providers, and all those who are working hard to keep us safe and have allowed us to reach this moment of moving forward into this next stage of the pandemic.  May God bless them and us with peace and all that is good.

Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM


Revised Covid Protocols

May 29, 2021

1)    Seating: Each church will have specific sections that will be fully open and other sections that will allow for social distancing.  The wearing of masks is at your discretion in all sections.  I ask that you please recognize and be respectful of every person’s decision on how they choose to move forward in this time of transition.  Remaining safe is our highest priority.

 St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Beach Haven

a.     Church and Balcony – Open Seating; no masks, no social distancing required

b.     Hall – Social Distant Seating

St. Francis of Assisi Church, Brant Beach

a.   South and North Nave – Social Distant Seating

b.  Main Nave and Hall - Open Seating; no masks, no social distancing required

 St. Thomas of Villanova Church, Surf City

a.   Church and Balcony – Social Distant Seating

b.  Hall – Open Seating; no masks, no social distancing required

Screen Shot 2021-05-29 at 4.35.38 PM.png

 St. Clare Church, Loveladies

a.   Two main sections – Open Seating; no masks, no social distancing required [blue]

b.  Two far side sections – Social Distant Seating [green]

2)      Hymnals, Missals, and Bulletins: The hymnals and missel will be returned to the pews and bulletin distribution will begin again as usual.

3)      Reception of Communion:  The Eucharistic Ministers have been asked to wear masks when distributing communion.  The sharing of the chalices for the faithful is not permitted at this time and the reception of Holy Communion will continue to be only in the hand until further notice.

4) Sign of Peace: when offering the sign of peace please be respectful of other’s choice to extend or not to extend a hand.  A respectful bow is still a dignified exchange of peace with those gathered around you.

5) Reconciliation:  Confessions will continue to be heard in the designated areas in the church halls.

6) Parish receptions and repast:  Receptions and a repass after funerals will resume.

7) Processions: We will begin the procession of the full ministry at the beginning and end of Mass as well as the Offertory Procession of the gifts on July 4th weekend.

8)    Altar Servers: our altar servers will begin their ministry at Masses on the July 4th weekend.

For further details, please see the “Revisions of Current Covid Protocols” approved by Bp. O’Connell, C.M. or the executive order by Gov. Murphy.

Advisory Governor Murphy's latest announcements 5 24 21

Diocese of Trenton Revision of Current Covid Protocols May 26 2021 parish

Reinstating the General Obligation to Attend Mass