Daily Reflection: Tuesday, March 8

Tuesday of the First Week of Lent

This is how you are to pray….   (Mt 6:9)

 Jesus instructs us how to pray in the Sermon on the Mount.  Forgiveness is the condition of our prayer.  Many Psalms include prayers for forgiveness.  We are usually ready to begin our prayers, private and public, with a plea for forgiveness.  It is only right.  We have fallen short.  I wonder if my prayer would be more genuine, however, if I were to begin with forgiving everyone who has hurt me.  Then I could really pray.  And if that is too hard, at least let me humbly admit my poverty and beg God’s help to forgive as God himself forgives.  


John Frambes, ofm


Daily Reflection: Wednesday, March 9


Daily Reflection: Monday, March 7