Daily Reflection: Wednesday, June 12


Wednesday, June 12, 2024 - Tenth Week in Ordinary Time


Rules and laws are particularly important to have. They help us to keep order and help the community to thrive. Rules and laws show us the way to live out the values behind them. Jesus in today’s gospel stated that he did not come to abolish the rules but to fulfill the rules, which is to make explicit the values behind the rules, which is love, the gospel love. Just like in Jesus’ time we to have some who make rules and laws gods, that is that following the rules exactly is more important than is the spirit/the value behind them. Today, reflect on what is your relationship to the rules that govern our church. Do we know the spirit/the value behind them?

 Scott F. Brookbank, OFM


Read also:

This week’s Letter from the Pastor


Daily Reflection: Thursday, June 13


Daily Reflection: Tuesday, June 11