Daily Reflection: Wednesday, November 17

Wednesday, November 17

Today, we celebrate the memory of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, the patroness of the Secular Franciscans. She was born in royalty and later married into royalty. She was widowed at an early age and died at the age of 24. She is often portrayed with an apron filled with roses. She was accused of disposing of the treasuries of the kingdom and when she was caught with an apron filled with something unknown, and she opened it and , roses fell from it. Here is a woman who caught the spirit of St. Francis and in spite of the fact that she had everything, God inspired her to take a different direction with her life.  She indeed allowed the Lord to “make her an instrument of His peace.” Happy Feastday to our Secular Franciscans!


Daily Reflection: Thursday, November 18


Daily Reflection: Tuesday, November 16