Daily Reflection: Saturday, April 8
Holy Saturday April 9, 2023
We know how the story ends! Tomorrow we will be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with Alleluias abounding. But today we enter into the emptiness of the lives of the disciples. He has died, and they are bereft. We have removed the Eucharistic presence from our churches – there is a somber feeling there if we stop in to pray. The emptiness is like fasting – knowing that there is an end to it and that it has a purpose. We are preparing for the feast of all feasts and taking quiet time is important. Sit awhile in the midst of your own preparations to remember that Easter is not about bunnies and egg hunts and sumptuous family meals but about the gift of God’s love shown to us in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. We rejoice in that love!
Sr. Pat Klemm, OSF
Read also:
This week’s Letter from the Pastor