Daily Reflection: Monday, July 3

Monday, July 3, 2023 – Feast of St. Thomas, Apostle https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/070323.cfm

St. Thomas also called Didymus, or the Twin, was one of the Twelve Apostles. He is the only apostle who went outside the borders of the Roman Empire to evangelize. Thomas is remembered for doubting the resurrection of Christ. He needed to touch Jesus’ wounds to believe it was really Jesus risen from the dead. Our faith asks us to believe things we know to be true in our hearts and was handed down by our ancestors in faith. Let us pray that our belief will become stronger.

Scott F. Brookbank, OFM

Read also:

This week’s Letter from the Pastor


Daily Reflection: Tuesday, July 4


Daily Reflection: Saturday, July 1