Daily Reflection: Monday, July 25

July 25  Feast of Saint James

 We are afflicted…, but not destroyed; carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our body.  (2Cor 4:2-10)

 As much as we want to avoid it, suffering is part of our human existence.  It is also part of discipleship.  Paul writes about the trials he faces in his ministry.  As tough as they were, Paul, by grace, has never been overwhelmed or defeated.  For him the suffering of Jesus continues in his body and in the body of the Church.  If the suffering of Christ continues, so does his risen life continue in us.  


John Frambes, ofm


Read also:

This week’s Letter from the Pastor

This week’s weekly reflection


Daily Reflection: Tuesday, July 26


Daily Reflection: Saturday, July 16