Daily Reflection: Monday, January 24

Monday, January 24, 2022 – Memorial of St. Francis de Sales


 Our reading from the Second Book of Samuel we read the section when David is recognized by the people as the King of Israel. The last sentence of this section (verse 10) “David grew steadily more powerful, for the Lord of hosts was with him.” We are told that David’s success as a leader comes from his relationship with God. In the Gospel reading the Scribes (those in leadership roles) were so afraid of losing their standing within the community, they could not see Jesus’ authority comes from God.  Today reflect on: Do I realize all that I have comes from God. Secondly, am I so self-focus that I cannot see God working through others.


Scott F. Brookbank, OFM



Daily Reflection: Tuesday, January 25


Daily Reflection: Saturday, January 22