ADVENTure and a Few Words of Thanks!

Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM,

Letter from the Pastor
First Week of Advent
December 3, 2023

With the First Week of Advent, we begin a new liturgical year.  There is something refreshing about starting over.  We do have a tendence to continue to do the same thing over and over again, so shaking it up a bit isn’t bad.  Don’t get me wrong, consistency is good.  It can ground us and give us a sense of identity, security, and direction.  I know when I go to Costco I try to park in the same spot.  It makes life so much easier when I leave the store because I can remember where I parked!  Have you ever wandered through a parking lot not remembering where you left your car?  It’s not good!

But unlike the three kings, we don’t need to wander anymore since we have found the Christ, the Light of the world, the Prince of Peace, the Wonder Counselor.  We should hold onto our belief that God broke into our human nature and Christ was born among us.  There is no better sign than that to show us that God is with us.  That, if nothing else, gives us the best identity, security, and direction we could ever want.  So why are we starting over?  What needs to be refreshed?

Although consistency can be good, being in a rut usually is not.  It never hurts to try to look at things in a new light or perhaps from a different perspective.  If it is truth, it will certainly stand up to the challenge.  If what we hold on to and believe is not truth, then we need to let go of some things.  Our liturgical season of Advent does have a penitential tone.  It is not as pronounced as the season of Lent, but none-the-less Advent does offer us the time to take notice of when we missed the opportunity to see Christ in our lives.  I think Jesus’ greatest desire is to that we be in relationship with him.

Amidst all the shopping, decorating, cooking, and get togethers, hopefully we will also make the time to “prepare the way of the Lord” so we will be able to recognize the presence of Christ in our lives today.

A few words of thanks…

As you know, last weekend, Joe Mack and I presented the 2023 Annual Parish Report at all of the Masses.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank Joe, not only for his presentation, but for all of the work he has done throughout the year.  Joe is a marvelous chair of the Parish Finance Council.  He works very hard for the good of the parish and the council.  His leadership directed us through our parish’s first Stewardship Program.  That was a critical program to address our annual operating deficit.  His numbers were right on!

I would also like to thank the entire Parish Finance Council for their faithfulness, insights, and their hard work to make sure that all the pieces came together.  Thank you to Cecelia Fowler, Joe Hummel, Jay Pojednic, Fr. Andrew Reitz, Joe Vaszily, and Peter Williams.  Thank you also to our newly formed Parish Investment Committee, a sub-committee of the Parish Finance Council, Diedre Fitzpatrick, Tom Lynch, Allen Magrini, Shawn Mahony, Joan Sawicki, Joe Vaszily [chair,] and David Young.  Their work helps us secure our long-term projects and the maintenance of our facilities.

Finally, thank you for your continued support and belief in what St. Francis of Assisi Parish is all about.  Your generous support and enlivened faith truly make this parish a wonderful place to be!  Thank you!

May this Advent season truly be an Adventure for all of us.

Peace and All Good!

Fr. Francis J. Di Spigno, OFM



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