Beginning Again

Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM,

Letter from the Pastor
First Week of Advent
November 27, 2022

St. Bonaventure writes toward the end of his biography of St. Francis that St. Francis would tell the other friars, “Let us begin again, brothers, for up until now we have done very little.” It is an odd saying. I know some friars who are not too keen on the expression, but I like it. Well, let us say, I like the first half of the phrase better. Sometimes it is good to begin again; to hit the reset button and start over. It might give us a chance to correct some of the mistakes we have made or it might offer us an opportunity to try something new. I have not met anyone who likes being in a rut.

With the First Week of Advent, we get to start over again. For the past month or so, our readings have been very apocalyptic. They were dark thoughts of the “end times.” It does make sense as we are heading into the darkest time of the year [at least in the northern hemisphere.] With the beginning of Advent, the start of a new Liturgical year, we focus on the approaching light in the darkness, the coming of the Christ - the light that no darkness can quench.

As you heard last weekend from the state of the parish, our parish is in good shape and heading in the right direction. We do have some work to do, but that is why it is good to begin again.

I would like to thank you again for all of your support and encouragement. Thank you for your faithfulness and thank you for your goodness. With God’s grace, and our cooperation, the Light on Long Beach Island will always be here at St. Francis of Assisi Parish.

May this Advent season be a blessing to you and your family as we continue to await the Light of the World!

Peace and All Good!


Fr. Francis J. Di Spigno, OFM




