Getting Ready!

Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM,

Letter from the Pastor

The Six Sunday of Easter

May 22, 2022

Are you ready?  The traffic light will be turned back on tomorrow.  It’s not one of my favorite days of the year but, truth be told, it is a good day.  With the increase of people coming to Long Beach Island the lights are helpful for everyone, especially if we’re trying to make a left turn out of our parking lot!  It also means that summer will soon be here. 

We have been preparing and getting things ready.  To usher in the summer, we will be hosting a Spring Beefsteak Dinner on June 3rd here in our St. Francis Center.  The December Beefsteak Dinner was such a hit that we thought why not spread the fun and have one in the spring as well.  I do hope you can join us.  The meal is delicious and a lot of fun is had by all.  Tickets are on sale and can be picked up in the Center.

Also, our Annual Garden Party by the Sea Fashion Show will be June 22nd at the Bonnet Island Estate.  A great thanks to Chris Vernon for allowing us to use the beautiful BIE for this event.  Tickets are on sale and can be picked up in the Center.

A great thank you to all of our sponsors for your support of both of these events and to all the members of the committees that make them happen!  Please check the bulletin or our parish website for more details on both of these great events!

Two other signs that summer is here are also in the works. 

The different committees for the Festival of the Sea have been meeting to make sure this is another great year for the festival.  This year the festival will be Aug. 9 – 13, 2022.  Mark your calendars! 

AND… the Car Raffle!  You have probably already noticed this year’s selection of cars for our annual car raffle.  We have two Ford Broncos, a Nissan Frontier, a Honda Civic Sport, and a Hyundai Venue.  Causeway Ford was very helpful and worked  closely with us to offer us an exciting variety for this year’s raffle.  You should be receiving a letter from me with the flyer and the details of each car.  If you do not, please let me know and I will make sure you get one!  Also, for the first time, this year we will be offering an opportunity to purchase your car raffle tickets online.  The simple QR code will take you directly to our parish website and allow you to purchase your tickets online!!

Finally, I will also be sending out a letter asking for volunteers for the Festival of the Sea.  As you can imagine, we do need a lot of people to give of their time to make the FOS happen.  We literally could not do it without our volunteers.  If you have not volunteered for this before, I will tell you, it is a lot of work, but it’s a good work.  It is also a lot of fun and something that adds that right spice to make it a great summer!  If you do not receive a letter and would like to volunteer, please contact the parish office and let us know when you are available.

It looks like it will be a great summer.  I’m ready!  I hope you are too!

Peace and All Good!


Fr. Francis J. Di Spigno, OFM



We Are A Great Group!


Hello and Good-Bye!