Happy Easter!

Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM,

Letter from the Pastor
Easter Sunday
April 17, 2022

Sunrise, Surf City Beach

Sometimes, when I’m not distracted, or the TV is not too loud in my room at the friary, I can hear the calming, rhythmic crashing of the ocean waves, and I love it.  I find comfort in those sounds of nature drifting up from the shore, even making their way through the closed windows.  As we know, those waves are always coming to the shore whether we are aware of them or not.  They are constant and consistent, storms notwithstanding.  To me, they are a great reminder of God’s grace, and with that, God’s love and mercy, and God’s presence.  We may be distracted by the many things going on in our lives or the “closed windows” may get in the way of hearing God, or knowing that God is near, but rest assure, just like those waves, God is constant and consistent.  God is with us.

In our celebration of the Pascal Mystery of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we find out a bit more of who God really is.  We may not know a lot about God but we do know this, God raised Jesus from the dead.  We also know that Jesus prayed to God, “Let this cup pass from me,” and he cried out from the cross, “Why have you abandoned me?” – perhaps we may have even felt or thought the same - but we also know that God didn’t.  God did not take away “the cup,” but God did not abandon Jesus either.  God is constant and consistent no matter what is going in our lives.  Our annual celebration of Jesus Christ risen is here, one more time, to remind us who God is and who God is for us. 

God is the One who leads us out of the captivity of our own making or out of that imposed on us by others.  God is the One who gives us the courage to face our greatest fears because we know that we are not alone.  God is the One who leads us out of darkness and into His own marvelous light.  Jesus came to proclaim that God and the Kingdom of that God.  His resurrection is our proof that God is true to His word and does, in fact, will to set us free.

On behalf of the friars, Sr. Pat, and the entire Pastoral Staff, we wish you a very Happy Easter.  May this springtime of our salvation grant you the hope and conviction to celebrate life at all times and may we always hear the crashing of God’s waves of grace, mercy, and love, every day of our lives.

Jesus Christ is Risen!  He is Risen, indeed!


Fr. Francis J. Di Spigno, OFM


Hello from Rome!


The Paschal Mystery: Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ