Hello from Rome!

Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM,

Letter from the Pastor
Second Sunday of Easter
April 17, 2022

On Easter Sunday night I flew off to Rome to meet the three other leaders of a pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi for students from Roger Bacon High School, Cincinnati, OH. I have led similar pilgrimages for college and university students since 2012. The director of the Franciscan Pilgrimage Program, Fr. John Cella, OFM, needed a priest for this pilgrimage so I agreed to go. It is very nice to be in Rome right after Easter. The weather is very nice, and the spirit of Easter is still very much in the air. The pilgrimage ends on the 26th and I will return to our beautiful island on the 27th .

I do not, however, want to miss the opportunity to thank everyone who was involved in our great celebrations of the Triduum and Easter Sunday Masses. Our three-day service, beginning on Holy Thursday with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, the Good Friday reading of the Passion of our Lord, and the Easter Vigil, was truly spectacular. Fr. Kevin’s homily on Holy Thursday about servant leadership, echoing Jesus’ washing of the disciples’ feet, was inspiring primarily because it is so obvious that that is exactly who Kevin is – always ready to serve, no questions asked. If you need something, Kevin is right there ready and willing to help. On Friday at noon, Fr. Scott and Andrew Beck led us through the Stations of the Cross at noon. Then Fr. Andrew presided over the Good Friday Passion of the Lord. Andrew’s love and passion for ministry and the people of God rang through his witness on Good Friday. And Fr. Steve, oh what I could say about Fr. Steve – but I will refrain. His humor, combined with his faith in Jesus Christ risen made our celebration of the Easter Vigil truly a wonderful experience of our faith that with God all things are possible.

And that was only a part of what made our liturgies so great. The music, as usual, was outstanding. I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed watching Michele Beck, our Director of Music, shine as she directed, led, and conducted our choirs, cantors, and musicians during these festive days. She obviously loves what she does, and she is so very good at it…and … she gets to praise the Lord while doing it! That is a true vocation! Our choirs were excellent. We have missed them during those covid months. It was such a pleasure to listen to them and appreciate the gift that they bring to our liturgical celebrations. Neil makes that organ sing. Not many churches can say that about their organist. Davie continually raises the presence of the soft and gentle flute to a level that touches our souls, and Ray’s bass adds a texture that makes our music rich, inviting, and alive. Thank you one and all for sharing your special gifts, talents, and passions, with all of us!

Thank you to Tina Kelsall and Toby McCarthy for your great ability to transform our beautiful church into a heavenly sight. You managed to transform our space through our long and desert-like journey through Lent to the blossoms of a festive Garden of Eden right before our eyes. That too is a special gift! Thank you.

Thank you to JoAnne Reader, our Director of Liturgy, and her Liturgy Committee: Michele Beck, Fr. Andrew Reitz, Fr. Scott Brookbank, + Barbara Truncellito, Toby McCarthy, Tina Kelsall, Bobbi Greene, and Marie Logue. You are quite the team and together you do do great things. Actually, together, we all do great things!

Finally, thank you to all who joined us for all or part of our services on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

I truly believe that our celebrations of this climax of our Liturgical season allowed everyone present to truly be touched by Jesus’ care and love given to us in the Eucharist, his passionate death, and the hope that God constantly offers to us in the Resurrection. It was spectacular! I pray we each carry the spirit of this Easter season in the depths of our lives until all the world knows that Jesus Christ is Risen. He is Risen, indeed.

As they say in Italy, Buona Pascua!


Fr. Francis J. Di Spigno, OFM


Hello and Good-Bye!


Happy Easter!