Holy Moments

Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM,

 Letter from the Pastor
January 29, 2023

Sr. Pat told a wonderful story at our staff meeting this week.  She was in the Post Office, and she overheard the conversation between the person ahead of her and the mail clerk.  If you have ever mailed a package, you know the question they always ask: “Is there anything liquid, fragile or perishable?”  The man said, “No, it’s a book.  I’m sending it to my children.”  Curiosity must have gotten the best of the clerk because they then asked a question that I don’t think is Post Office approved, “Oh, nice.  What’s the book?”  “Oh my church gave us a book for Christmas, and I want to send it to my children to make sure they get a chance to read it.” 

Now THAT is evangelization!  I’m not sure who you are, but I am so glad that you enjoyed the book Holy Moments enough to send it off to your children.  Keep spreading the good news!!

As promised, Sr. Pat and I will be hosting a discussion group about the book, Holy Moments, on Wednesday, February 8, at 9:30 AM, immediately after the 9 AM Mass, in the Sr. Kate Room OR Thursday, February 9th, at 7 PM, also in the Sr. Kate Room.  You don’t need to come to both. 

This will be a time to reflect on any insights you may have had when reading the book as well as a time to share any holy moments that you hold on to as we journey forward. 

I hope you can join us either Wednesday morning, Feb. 8th or Thursday evening, Feb. 9th.

I know that not everyone finds these group discussions helpful, or perhaps they are just not your style, but if you would like to share your thoughts and insights, I would love to hear them.  Please feel free to write me or any of the pastoral staff a note to let us know about your holy moments.

 On another note, I do have to share with you some disappointing news.  After announcing just two weeks ago that we hired a new Director of Parish Development, life happened, and that arrangement fell through.  I am disappointed but, as with all things when they don’t go our way, we adjust, regroup, and carry on.  I will keep you posted as we carry on.

May God continue to bless you and your families with peace and all that is good.


Fr. Francis J. Di Spigno, OFM




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