Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM,
This year Easter falls on April 20th. Unlike the fixed date of Christmas, Easter Day is determined by the lunar cycle because Passover is determined by the full moon in spring. Jesus rose from the dead on the first Sunday after the feast of Passover, so our celebration of Easter is directly connected to the celebration of Passover. Easter would always fall on the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the spring equinox, March 21st. That is why the date of Easter changes every year. It can fall on any Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th. Of course, the dates of Palm Sunday, the Triduum [Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday,] as well as Ash Wednesday, are all determined by the date of Easter Sunday.
Next Wednesday, March 5th, is Ash Wednesday and we begin our Lenten journey to Easter. Following the example of Jesus’ 40 days in the desert when he was confronted by Satan, our Lenten journey is meant to be a time of prayer and reflection so we can confront our demons and remember our reliance on God, and God alone. With our focus always on the hope and promise of Jesus’ Resurrection, Lent is an opportunity for us to grow closer to Jesus, to listen to his teaching, and conform our lives to the Gospel.
Once again, the parish is offering a book, Lenten Gospel Reflections 2025 by Bp. Robert Barron, to help us in our observance of Lent. They will be available at the doors of the churches for anyone who is interested. The Gospel reading for each day of Lent is presented along with and a daily reflection by Bishop Barron.
In addition to the books, the Parish’s Liturgy Commission has an article in the Liturgy section of this week’s bulletin that speaks about the other opportunities that can enliven our Lenten journey.
May our Lent truly increase our faith and reflect the hope and promise of springtime. May it fill all of us with the love and the peace that only Christ can give and may we grow to reflect that faith, hope, love, and peace to all the world.
Peace and All Good!
Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM