Catechetical Sunday

Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM,

Letter from the Pastor
September 15, 2024

This weekend we celebrate Catechetical Sunday.  This is an annual celebration when we recognize, thank, and celebrate the gift that our catechists bring to our parish community.  What could be more important than the education of our young people in the ways and teachings of our faith?

The primary teachers of our faith, of course, are our parents.  The home is the foundation and the bedrock of our religious faith and experience.  It is in the home that the child first comes to believe in God and our expression of that belief as Catholics.  It is there that they realize the importance of our faith and that it is a vital part of who we are and how we are called to live in this world.  First and foremost, we thank our parents for their support and dedication to teaching our faith to their children.  May the richness of God’s blessings always be upon you and your families!

As a parish community our Family Faith Department fosters that faith journey through our monthly sessions.  We strive to guide and instruct our families in the core beliefs, practices, rituals, and values of our Catholic Christian identity.  The primary goal of our program is to help the next generation deepen their understanding of God and our faith.  We want to foster a personal relationship with God and encourage all to live the teachings of Jesus in our daily lives.

Our catechists also prepare of our young brothers and sisters to continue to receive the Sacraments of Initiation begun in their Baptism and completed in the reception of the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation.

Our parish community needs to sincerely thank to this year’s catechists, Eileen Bowker, Theresa Cassata, Paul Ferrar, Diane Halverson, Dina Galeotafiore, Casey Hamilton, Jen Irons, Alice Latham, Cindy Lubrano, Cathy Maxwell, Kathy Mignanelli, Marion Pierri, Jeanette Poole, Jacqueline Powell, and Jean Roberts.  We are indebted to them for their generosity of spirit and of time to help our young sisters and brothers, in conjunction with their families, to grow in our faith.  Their task, although not always easy, is one that can truly change a lifetime.  Thank you for your dedication and for your witness to our great faith.  May God continue to bless you and your desire to evangelize and spread the Gospel!

I personally would like to thank Fr. Scott Brookbank for serving as interim Director of Family Faith Formation.  We encountered a few “hiccups” in the hiring process of our new director and Fr. Scott graciously volunteered to step in and help fill in the gap.  Thank you, Scott, for your dedication and goodness that you share with all of us.

This Sunday, September 15th, at the 10:00 AM Mass, I will offer a special blessing for our teachers, students and their families.  I ask that you please join me in praying for them on Sunday and throughout the year. 

May we all be blessed as we all continue to grow in our love and knowledge of the Lord.  

Peace and All Good,  

Fr. Francis J. Di Spigno, OFM



New Executive Director of the St. Francis Center


Thank You, Wendy Saunders!