Family Faith: Registration for next year’s sessions will begin in March

Even though we are only a few weeks into the new year, Family Faith is working on the 2023-24 year’s activities and classes.

Registration for next year’s sessions will begin in March. Families will receive their registration forms during the March classes.

Next year’s program for all classes will be offered on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays for all grades. We hope this expanded schedule will help our families with their planning. As a result, we will need many additional catechists to cover all these classes.

If you have ever considered working with the families of our parish, I urge you to call our office and allow me to explain our program and give you an opportunity to see our classes in action and answer any questions you may have.

Catechists are supported in their ministry through programs offered in-house by the Director to help them in this ministry, as well as provided prepared lesson plans for classes.

At present there are 30 candidates for Confirmation, 23 children preparing for First Eucharist and 23 children preparing for First Reconciliation.

The Confirmation candidates will be attending workshops on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Moral Life and Faith in Action followed by a retreat in March. The Sacrament will be administered on April 21, 2023 at 4:00 pm.

The First Eucharist children will attend a gathering where, along with their parents they will explore the Gift of the Eucharist.

Our First Reconciliation children will have a retreat workshop to review the Rite of Penance, Examination of Conscience and making good choices.

Please pray for all of our children as they continue their faith journey

Judith Clayton Director, Family Faith


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