Novena to St. Clare of Assisi-Day Four:  Called to Co-Operation


Friday, August 6, 2021

Day Four:  Called to Co-Operation

St. Clare writes in a letter to Agnes of Prague: I am truly happy and no one can take away this happiness…I can see you…And tow verses on: I can see you embracing the great, incomparable treasure buried in the soil of the earth and in the hearts of men, with humility, faith,  and the arms of poverty.


Clare sees her Sister, and that is how community starts: by seeing the other person just he way she is, not the way I want her to be. And seeing the good that the other person does, and rejoicing in it, is what builds a community. Envy and competition, however, destroy it.

3 Our Fathers

Novena Prayer:

St. Clare, you are our Sister on her way to Christ. We shall be like pilgrims and foreigners in this world, trustfully receiving all we need to live for the Lord. In this trust I ask you to grant me the request that is so dear to my heart:… Implore our Lord Christ in his mercy to be with us always, just as we will always be with him now and for ever. Amen.


Festival of the Sea - Musicians Performing


Novena to St. Clare of Assisi-Day Three: Called to Listen