Daily Reflection: Tuesday, August 22

Tuesday August 22

“It will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Matt 9:24

I do some sewing and know, especially as I age, how hard it is to get a fine thread through the eye of a needle! But a camel! Obviously, Jesus is either exaggerating to make a point or referring to a City gate named the Eye of the Needle. This quote from today’s Gospel is a difficult one for those who are able to afford many good things in life. I believe Jesus is telling us the importance of making God the priority in our lives, which can become more difficult as we amass greater and greater wealth. Rich folk are not bad because they are rich and poor folk good only because they are poor! What matters is how we live the Gospel call to love, not just in theory, but in practice!

Sister Pat Klemm, OSF

Read also:

This week’s Letter from the Pastor


Daily Reflection: Wednesday, August 23


Daily Reflection: Monday, August 21