Daily Reflection: Wednesday, January 11
Wednesday January 11
I am always a bit put off that Simon’s mother-in-law got up and waited on Jesus and the disciples after she was healed – did she not need some rest after having a serious fever? But, in reality, being healed by Jesus calls us to action – it may be simply to witness to our healing, to speak of the effect of God’s power, or as in this case, to serve. We are healed for the glory of God and that is never only a personal experience. We exist as part of a community and all that we do has an effect on the entire body. Let us be conscious of the effect our lives have on others, both in the good we do or receive as well as in the ways we are less than the person we were created to be.
Sister Pat Klemm, OSF
Read also:
This week’s Letter from the Pastor
This week’s weekly reflection