Daily Reflection: Saturday, January 14
Saturday January 14
We are sinners! I am a sinner! These statements are sometimes difficult to say with confidence. We are obviously not murderers, thieves, adulterers, etc. But we need to acknowledge that we are created beings who are not perfect, and that we are all in need of God’s forgiveness and healing. Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel that he came for sinners – do we want to exclude ourselves from his reason for being with us? I think we need to look at sin as part of our human condition, not only as the worst examples of that! Deep down we can look at our inadequacies and recognize them as sin even if we hesitate to call them so. Pope Francis has been our example in this calling himself a sinner because he recognizes who he is before God. Can we not do the same?
Sister Pat Klemm, OSF
Read also:
This week’s Letter from the Pastor
This week’s weekly reflection