Daily Reflection: Wednesday, August 21


Memorial of St. Pius X, pope

For thus says the Lord God: I myself will look after my sheep.   (34:11)

These words conclude God’s condemnation of the spiritual shepherds of Israel.  They have thought first about themselves and neglected their mandate.  It is consoling for us to remember that no how disappointed we may be with leaders, it is the Lord who takes care of us.

It is forty days until the feast of St. Michael the Archangel (Sept. 29).  Devotion to Michael was very important to St. Francis and medieval Catholics.  Before this great feast, St. Francis went to the mountain of LaVerna to have a “lent” of forty days in preparation.  It was during his prayer on the mountain that Francis had a mystical experience and was marked with the stigmata.  Franciscans celebrate that event on September 17.   This year is the 800th anniversary of St. Francis receiving the stigmata.

John Frambes, ofm


Read also:

This week’s Letter from the Pastor


Daily Reflection: Thursday, August 22


Daily Reflection: Tuesday, August 20