Hello from Rome!

Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM,

Letter from the Pastor
Second Sunday of Easter
April 16, 2023


Hello from Rome!

On Easter Sunday night I flew off to Rome to lead a pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi for students from Roger Bacon High School, Cincinnati, OH.  You may recall I led this pilgrimage last year as well.   It is very nice to be in Rome right after Easter.  The weather is good… so far… but they are predicting rain.  Nonetheless, the spirit of Easter is still very much in the air. The pilgrimage ends on the 19thth and I will return to our beautiful island on the 20th. 

As we bring the Octave of Easter to a close with today’s celebrations, I want to thank everyone who was involved in our great celebrations of the Triduum and Easter Sunday Masses.  Our three-day service that included Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil, was truly spectacular.  I cannot tell you how many people have texted, called, or sent emails expressing their gratitude for our beautiful services.

Fr. Scott, and Fr. Kevin did a great job presiding at the Holy Thursday and Good Friday Services.  The music, as usual, was outstanding.  As I had mentioned at the Vigil Mass, a great kudos needs to go out to Michele Beck, our new Director of Liturgy and Music.  With JoAnne Reeder’s retirement in March, Michele did not miss a beat… literally!  She jumped right in and took charge.  Brava to her, and all the cantors, musicians, and choirs.  You made our festive days prayerful and beautiful!  Thank you all.

Thank you to Tina Kelsall and Toby McCarthy for your great ability to transform our beautiful church into a heavenly sight.  You managed to transform our space through our long and desert-like journey through Lent to the blossoms of a festive Garden of Eden right before our eyes.  That too is a special gift!  Thank you.

Thank you to all our lectors, eucharistic ministers, ushers [you look great in tuxedos!], and altar servers.   Thank you to our maintenance department and to all who help set up, clean up, and takedown and rebuild. We can never underestimate how much work actually goes into what you do!  Your commitment and dedication are laudable and very much appreciated.

Finally, thank you to all who joined us for all or part of our services on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  I truly believe that our celebrations of this climax of our Liturgical season allowed everyone present to truly be touched by Jesus’ care and love given to us in the Eucharist, his passionate death, and the hope that God constantly offers to us in the Resurrection.

I pray we each carry the spirit of this Easter season in the depths of our lives until all the world knows that Jesus Christ is Risen.  He is Risen, indeed.

As they say in Italy, Buona Pascua!

C’vediamo pronto! 
Happy Easter!
See you soon!

Fr. Francis J. Di Spigno, OFM





Happy Easter!