Philip and Who?

Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM,

Letter from the Pastor
May 7, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Easter

 Philip and Who?

This past Wednesday was the feast of Philip and James.  Two apostles of Christ that have been linked together for centuries. This weekend we hear from Philip.  We know that Jesus found him, along with Peter and Andrew, in Galilee, and Jesus directly said, “Follow me.”  He did and immediately went to Nathanael to spread the good news and said, “We have found the one about whom Moses wrote in the law, and also the prophets, Jesus, son of Joseph, from Nazareth.”" [Jn 1:45]  However, like most disciples – like most of us - Philip’s understanding of Jesus ebbed and flowed.   Today we hear Philip say to Jesus, “Master, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us."  Jesus’ response was telling.  He said, "Have I been with you for so long a time and you still do not know me, Philip?”  Of course we know that Philip did come to fully accept Jesus as the Christ and was martyred for this belief.  Tradition tells us that Philip was hung in Hierapolis, Turkey around the year A.D. 80.

But who was James?  Honestly, we don’t know much about him.  To distinguish between him and the other apostle James, James the Greater, this James, son of Alphaeus, became known as James the Lesser.  An interesting title but one that might lead us to be a bit too dismissive.  We might not know a lot about him but we do know that he was chosen by Jesus to be an apostle and he also gave his life for his faith.

Reflecting on James the Lesser, I began to think about all the wonderful people who do evangelize but don’t get any credit.  How many faithful people live the beatitudes or feed the hungry, give drink to the thirst, or visit the sick or imprisoned, and we don’t know about it.  I think the world is filled with many “James the Lessers.”  There won’t be any books written about them nor will they be honored in the local town square but they are true followers of Jesus, and that is ultimate our call.  Recognition has nothing to do with it.

Some of you may have noticed that at times we now have music playing in the Center gym.  Those who attended the Fish Fry may have realized that you can actually hear the person speaking into the microphone.  Well, there is a reason for this.  Two very kind and generous members of our parish community not only made the financial donation for a new microphone system but also donated their time to research the different options available to determine what would be best for the gym.  Because they wish to remain anonymous I tip my hat and offer a grand thanks to them and all of our “lesser” saints among us. 

This is just one more reason why I believe St. Francis of Assisi is a great community of the faithful!  Thank you all!

Fr. Francis J. Di Spigno, OFM



Happy Mother’s Day!

