Novena to St. Clare of Assisi - Day Seven: Called to Poverty


Monday, August 9, 2021

Day Seven:  Called to Poverty

Clare writes to Agnes of Prague: Let us rejoice at the thought that God, who is so great and mighty, wants to be despised, needy and poor in the world, so that the people, poor and needy themselves, may discover their riches in him!


Poor and needy that is the way we are. Only for a short time in our lives can we pretend that we are strong in ourselves and act as if we were living through ourselves alone. Yet at the beginning and end of our lives it is revealed that we are naturally poor. And God, too, is poor: He is naturally rich and becomes poor for our sake so that we can become rich in Him.

3 Our Fathers

Novena Prayer:

St. Clare, you are our Sister on her way to Christ. We shall be like pilgrims and foreigners in this world, trustfully receiving all we need to live for the Lord. In this trust I ask you to grant me the request that is so dear to my heart:… Implore our Lord Christ in his mercy to be with us always, just as we will always be with him now and for ever. Amen.


Novena to St. Clare of Assisi - Day Eight: Called to Bless


Novena to St. Clare of Assisi - Day Six:Called to Reconciliation