Novena to St. Clare of Assisi - Day Eight: Called to Bless


Clare writes: I bless you as long as I live and beyond that. I bless you as much as I can and more that that, with all the blessing with which the Merciful Father has blessed and will bless his sons and daughters, and with all the blessing with which a spiritual father or a spiritual mother has blessed and will bless their spiritual sons and spiritual daughters. Amen. You shall always love God, love your own soul and those of your sisters and brothers, and you shall always treat with care what you have promised God. May the Lord be with you now and for ever, and may you always be with him. Amen


To bless means to entrust others to God’s love, to make him come to life. It also means having the courage to direct others towards life.

3 Our Fathers

Novena Prayer:

St. Clare, you are our Sister on her way to Christ. We shall be like pilgrims and foreigners in this world, trustfully receiving all we need to live for the Lord. In this trust I ask you to grant me the request that is so dear to my heart:… Implore our Lord Christ in his mercy to be with us always, just as we will always be with him now and for ever. Amen.


Novena to St. Clare of Assisi - Day Nine: Called to Self- Acceptance


Novena to St. Clare of Assisi - Day Seven: Called to Poverty